Rare Films.

Cinema Paradiso


Friday 26 April 2024

It Felt Like Love. 2013. HD.

It Felt Like Love. 2013. HD.
It Felt Like Love is a 2013 independent drama film, the first feature film directed by Eliza Hittman. Fourteen year old Lila envies the ease with which her best friend Chiara, on the cusp of her sixteenth birthday, deals with boys. Chiara has been sexually active, although she has only gone to third base with her current boyfriend, Patrick. With no experience whatsoever on the sexual front, Lila has no adult guidance with her mother having passed, and she and her father often being at odds with each other. Lila's primary exposure to sex or sexual foreplay is being the third wheel in Chiara and Patrick's outings. In her naivety, Lila believes that what she sees between Chiara and Patrick has the potential to last forever. Regardless of her total inexperience, Lila likes to portray herself as having at least gone to third base, she doing so by mimicking what she hears from Chiara and other sexually active teens. In her own mind, Lila wants to lose her virginity, despite, if she was honest with herself, being more closely emotionally mature to her twelve year old neighbor, Nate, than Chiara, Nate who would most likely be her confidante if she were to tell the truth about the issue of her sexuality. She believes the easiest candidate to be her first is Sammy, an older teen, who purportedly will sleep with anyone. As such, Lila begins to insert herself into Sammy's life, he who would not have even known who she was if she didn't do so.
Director: Eliza Hittman.
Cast: Gina Piersanti, Giovanna Salimeni, Ronen Rubinstein, Jesse Cordasco, Nick Rosen, Richie Folio, Case Prime, Kevin Anthony Ryan, Nugget, Sophia Jurewicz.
USA, 2013.
Language: English.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download It Felt Like Love. 2013.
It Felt Like Love. 2013. HD.
It Felt Like Love. 2013. HD.

Thursday 25 April 2024

Kak ryba v vode / Like a fish in water. 1976. FULL-HD.

Kak ryba v vode / Like a fish in water. 1976. FULL-HD.
A documentary film about the first acquaintance of babies with swimming - a sport for body and soul, an almost universal means of raising strong, healthy and tempered children. We invite you to watch the future champions.
Director: Andrey Dobrovolsky.
USSR, TO Ekran, 1976.
Language: Russian.
1920x1080 FULL-HD

Kak ryba v vode / Like a fish in water. 1976. FULL-HD.
Kak ryba v vode / Like a fish in water. 1976. FULL-HD.

Kukačka v temném lese / Cuckoo in a Dark Forest. 1986. FULL-HD.

Kukačka v temném lese / Cuckoo in a Dark Forest. 1986. FULL-HD.
 CZ. Pozoruhodný pokus načrtnout věrohodný portrét nacistického důstojníka, velitele koncentračního tábora, se dotýká protikladných stránek jeho osobnosti - na jedné straně starostlivý, pečující o rodinné blaho, na druhé straně bezcitný nacista, uplatňující bez zábran vyhlazovací politiku. Právě tento člověk, podmanivě ztvárněn Olegem Tabakovem, se ujme třináctileté Emilky z Moravy určené na převýchovu; jejíma očima se pak díváme na vnucenou rodinu, na složité utváření vztahů k člověku, jenž se k ní snaží chovat laskavě. Děvčátko prochází bolestným poznáváním pravé skutečnosti. Během svého pobytu v Německu se snaží nezapomenout na svůj skutečný domov a věří, že se ještě jednou ve svém životě setká se svou maminkou a vrátí se...
EN. Set in the war, a little girl from Lidice is saved by her 'Nordic' appearance and sent to a German family to be re-educated there.
Director: Antonín Moskalyk.
Cast: Miroslava Součková, Oleg Tabakov, Alicja Jachiewicz, Vilém Besser, Míla Myslíková, Jana Andresíková, Věra Vlčková, Karel Bělohradský, Pavel Trávníček, Alena Karešová, Zdeněk Martínek, Lena Birková, Vlasta Peterková, Jaroslava Tichá, Rafał Wieczyński, Andrzej Bielski, Adolf Filip, Joachim Lamża, Irena Laskowska, David Ployhar, Adam Baumann, Sylwester Maciejewski, Ferdynand Matysik, Mieczysław Janowski, Henryk Hunko
Czechoslovakia, Poland, 1986.
Language: Czech, German, Polish.
1440x1080 FULL-HD
Download Kukačka v temném lese / Cuckoo in a Dark Forest. 1986.
Kukačka v temném lese / Cuckoo in a Dark Forest. 1986. FULL-HD.
Kukačka v temném lese / Cuckoo in a Dark Forest. 1986. FULL-HD.

Wednesday 24 April 2024

L'isola / The Island. 2003. FULL-HD.

L'isola / The Island. 2003. FULL-HD.
 IT. Turi e Teresa sono figli di un pescatore che vive e lavora in un'isola siciliana. La loro e una vita semplice e pacifica, fatta di abitudini e fatiche quotidiane: accudire la nonna, pescare, gestire il bar al centro del paese.
Ma Turi, ormai, e quasi un uomo e deve iniziare ad uscire in mare con il padre.
Questo fatto finira con il rivoluzionare per sempre i rapporti tra fratello e sorella.
Lungometraggio d'esordio di Costanza Quatriglio, trentenne palermitana la quale non dimentica le sue origini documentaristiche e le innerva con una narrazione che sembra rimandare al cinema di matrice iraniana. La trama e molto esile e il film e legato a un lavoro di ricerca di sguardi e relazioni con la scabra struttura dell'isola di Favignana. Il montaggio, perfettamente sintonizzato con la colonna sonora musicale di Paolo Fresu, prova a fornire compattezza a un'opera prima che, pur con qualche intellettualismo di troppo (vedi la presunzione di poter pensare di fare a meno di una struttura narrativa solida), lascia ben sperare per il futuro.
EN. A coming of age story of a boy, Turi (Ernandes) and his younger sister, Teresa (Guarrasi) on an island off the coast of Sicily. Using mostly non professional actors in a neorealist style, this film creates a charming and seemingly authentic slice of village life.
The slow naturalistic pace, beautiful photography, a sense of the local customs & values, and a captivating performance by Veronica Guarrasi as Teresa make this well worth seeing. The director seem to have captured the end of childhood and the start of adolescence.
Director: Costanza Quatriglio.
Cast: Veronica Guarrasi, Ignacio Ernandes, Marcello Mazzarella, Erri De Luca, Anna Ernandes, Francesco Vasile, Ilary De Ioannon, Anna Rita Mazzara, Antonio Burdua, Maurizio Guarrasi, Salvatore Campo.
Italy, 2003.
Language: Italian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
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3 parts archive:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
L'isola / The Island. 2003. FULL-HD.
L'isola / The Island. 2003. FULL-HD.

Thursday 18 April 2024

Laurdagskveld / Saturday Evening. 1976. HD.

Laurdagskveld / Saturday Evening. 1976. HD.
 NO. Fjernsynsteatret viser "Laurdagskveld". Etter ei novelle av Tarjei Vesaas, i samlinga "Vindane". To barn bur på ein liten gard saman med far og mor. Dei ventar utolsame på at laurdagskvelden skal begynne. Kvelden med all sin fine dåm er i huset, men for dei vaksne er alt blitt meiningslaust kav. Far kjem heim, trøyt og sliten. Og mor dryer. Enno er det mykje arbeid att å gjera på gården. Dei strir for hardt og einsamt. Slitet sit djupt i kroppen. Dei har ikkje tid til kvarandre. Laurdagskvelden er mest øydelag, men foreldra freistar å dekke over og skape hygge for familien. Det er barna som veit og som til tider løyser dei ut av den vonde floken.
EN. Short story about a couple living on the farm who are trying their best to keep the family grief from their two daughters.
Director: Eli Ryg.
Cast: Ane Hoel, Finn Kvalem, Gro Ofte, Anne Skinnarland.
Norway, 1976.
Language: Norwegian.
1280x720 HD
Download Laurdagskveld / Saturday Evening. 1976.
Laurdagskveld / Saturday Evening. 1976. HD.
Laurdagskveld / Saturday Evening. 1976. HD.


Wednesday 17 April 2024

Hay alguien allí. 2013. HD.

Hay alguien allí. 2013. HD.
ES. Helena es una niña de nueve años con autismo. Gioconda y Eduardo, sus padres, angustiados por el futuro de su hija y en busca de respuestas, emprenden una conmovedora exploración al universo del autismo, partiendo de filmaciones a niños autistas realizadas a finales de los años 70 y principios de los 80, realizados por la doctora Lilia Negrón.
EN. Helena is a nine years old autistic girl. Her parents make a trip starting from super 8 films about autistic children made in the 70's. This documentary is an emotional exploration into autism universe.
Director: Eduardo Viloria Daboin.
Writers: Ariadna Alzuru Mogollon, Angel Sorkin, Eduardo Viloria Daboin.
Cast: Helena Alicia Mota, Giovanni Izarra, Lilian Gómez.
Venezuela, 2013.
Language: Spanish.
1280x720 HD
Hay alguien allí. 2013. HD.
Hay alguien allí. 2013. HD.

Fucking Åmål / Show Me Love. 1998. FULL-HD.

Fucking Åmål / Show Me Love. 1998. FULL-HD.
 Show Me Love (Swedish: Fucking Åmål) is a 1998 Swedish romantic comedy-drama film written and directed by Lukas Moodysson in his feature-length directorial debut. It stars Rebecka Liljeberg and Alexandra Dahlström as two seemingly disparate teenage girls who begin a tentative romantic relationship. The film was released theatrically in Sweden on 23 October 1998, and first premiered internationally at the 1998 Cannes Film Festival.
Åmål is a small insignificant town where nothing ever happens, where the latest trends are out of date when they get there. Young Elin has a bit of a bad reputation when it comes to guys, but the fact is that she is inexperienced in that matter. Another girl in her school, Agnes, is in love with her but is too shy to do anything about it. For a number of reasons, Elin ends up at Agnes' birthday party as the only guest. They have a girl's night out together but after that Elin desperately avoids Agnes, refusing to even consider her own feelings toward Agnes.
In several countries, this film included in the official lists of works recommended to view schoolchildren.
Director: Lukas Moodysson.
Cast: Alexandra Dahlström, Rebecka Liljeberg, Erica Carlson, Mathias Rust, Stefan Hörberg, Josefine Nyberg, Ralph Carlsson, Maria Hedborg, Axel Widegren, Jill Ung, Lisa Skagerstam, Lina Svantesson, Jessica Melkersson, Elinor Johansson.
Sweden, Denmark, 1998.
Language: Swedish.
Subtitles: English, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Fucking Åmål / Show Me Love. 1998.
Fucking Åmål / Show Me Love. 1998. FULL-HD.
Fucking Åmål / Show Me Love. 1998. FULL-HD.


Tuesday 16 April 2024

Remote Tribes in Oceania. 2017-2019. FULL-HD.

Remote Tribes in Oceania. 2017-2019. FULL-HD.
 Three documentaries about nomadic family thattraveling the world constantly for many years now, staying with remote and traditional living indigenous people.
1. Solomon Islands. Remote Kwaio Tribes. 2019.
The Kwaio are one of the very last melanesian tribes holding on to their traditions. Some groups still remain in the hidden, as they call it, and live according to Kastom -their indigenous culture-, rejecting church and modern life.
Language: English.
Subtitles: English.
2. Vanuatu. Kastom village in Melanesia. 2017.
Kastom is a pidgin word (Bislama/Tok Pisin) used to refer to traditional culture, including religion, economics, art and magic in Melanesia.
The term is the generally accepted term in anthropology to describe such phenomena as well as the common and lay term used in everyday language.
3. Indonesia. Remote Tribes in West Papua. 2018.
Language: German.
Subtitles: German.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Remote Tribes in Oceania. 2017-2019.
Remote Tribes in Oceania. 2017-2019. FULL-HD.
Remote Tribes in Oceania. 2017-2019. FULL-HD.

Remote Tribes in Oceania. 2017-2019. FULL-HD.
Remote Tribes in Oceania. 2017-2019. FULL-HD.


Monday 15 April 2024

Търси се съпруг за мама / Tarsi se saprug za mama / A Husband for Mum. 1985. FULL-HD.

Търси се съпруг за мама / Tarsi se saprug za mama / A Husband for Mum. 1985. FULL-HD.
BG. Осемгодишният Алек живее с майка си. Той чувства, че след развода с баща му в нейния живот се е образувала празнота. Алек решава да ѝ помогне, като ѝ намери подходящ съпруг. Неговият избор пада върху един спортист. След това се спира на симпатичен шофьор на автобус, но и двамата се оказват неподходящи. Тогава случайността го среща с чичо Чони, когото харесва от пръв поглед. Детето се чуди какво да направи, за да срещне майка си с този човек. Алек мисли, че след това запознанство ще престанат срещите ѝ с чичо Минчо, който му е несимпатичен. Но всички планове на Алек пропадат. Постепенно той започва да разбира, че няма право да решава съдбата на майка си и тя сама ще избере този, с когото иска да живее.
EN. 8-year old Alek's parents are divorced and he lives with his mother. He can feel that after the divorce there has been a big void in her life. He decides to help her by finding a suitable husband. He first decides on an athlete, then a driver but none of them seem to be good enough for her. Then he runs into Chony, who immediately feels as the perfect fit for mum. Alek has to figure out how to make the two of them meet and at the same time divert mum's attention from uncle Mincho. All of his plans eventually fail but Alek comes to realize that he should not meddle with his mother's personal life and let her choose for herself.
Director: Mariana Evstatieva-Biolcheva.
Cast: Veselin Prahov, Mario Petrov, Ognyan Simeonov, Tsvetana Maneva, Bogdan Glyshaw, Emil Markov, Paul Poppadom, Emilia Grueva, Alexander Kotsev, Hristo Totev, Emil Dzhurov, Alexander Dimitrov.
Bulgaria, 1985.
Language: Bulgarian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Търси се съпруг за мама / Tarsi se saprug za mama / A Husband for Mum. 1985.
Търси се съпруг за мама / Tarsi se saprug za mama / A Husband for Mum. 1985. FULL-HD.
Търси се съпруг за мама / Tarsi se saprug za mama / A Husband for Mum. 1985. FULL-HD.


Sunday 14 April 2024

Ninth Street Chronicles. 2006. HD.

Ninth Street Chronicles. 2006. HD.
It is summer in the 1980s, and ten-year-old Sara's whole world is her front yard and the park at the end of the street. With her parents consumed in domestic battles, Sara experiences life uncensored. She glimpses sex, both gorgeous and awful, and broken hearts, one of them, her own. When Sara's idea of fun gets her forbidden from everyone her own age, Sara finds her way into the lives of two older boys; boys who, like Sara, are ill-fitting neighborhood legends.
Director: Megan Martin.
Cast: Samantha Weinstein, Tommy Lioutas, Richard Banel, Kristin Adams, Tom Barnett, Mallory Mahoney, Andy Marshall, Todd Schroeder, Evan Gilchrist.
Canada, 2006.
Language: English.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Ninth Street Chronicles. 2006.
Ninth Street Chronicles. 2006. HD.
Ninth Street Chronicles. 2006. HD.


Suspect. 2005. DVD.

Suspect. 2005. DVD.
Teacher Rob Dekoster is a good man, albeit a bit too frivolous and liberal with funds the local arts center's interim director. His wife Nelle, who sometimes abuses drugs, spoils his ingrate teenage stepdaughter Sandy, who is kind only to her sweet, mentally handicapped brother, Jimmy Vandevyver. After a class on sexual abuse from feminist teacher Lydia De Beule, Sandy pretends Rob abused her. Lydia, Rob's ex, eagerly helps her fabricate 'proof', which a female police commissioner eagerly believes. A frustrated judge (and father) shamelessly ignores the legal benefit of the doubt, even tricks Rob while in jail. Nelle discovers more then one sick truth.
Directors: Ivan Boeckmans, Guy Lee Thys.
Cast: Gene Bervoets, Karlijn Sileghem, Elias Mentzel, Ellen Ten Damme, Zoë De Roovere, Joke Devynck, Frank Focketyn, Gert Portael, Rudolph Segers, Karen Van Malderen, Alain Van Goethem.
Belgium, 2005.
Language: Dutch.
 Subtitles: English.
Download DVD Suspect. 2005:
2 parts archive:

Suspect. 2005. DVD.
Suspect. 2005. DVD.

Saturday 13 April 2024

Devadesát jedna bílých koní. 1986. FULL-HD.

Devadesát jedna bílých koní. 1986. FULL-HD.
 Letní filmový příběh vypráví o klukovském fanfaronství a rivalitě, která dá vzniknout přátelství. Příběh je zasazený do jihočeské vesnice, kam přijíždí Petr na prázdniny s rodiči. Petrův otec jezdí závodně rallye, a tak je i pro chlapce svět motorů vším. Hned první den se Petr střetne s Pavlem, synem správce státního statku, kde chovají koně. A jejich rivalita vrcholí nerovným, ale napínavým závodem auto versus kůň.
Director: Miloš Bobek.
Cast: Ivan Vyskočil, Jiří Kvasnička, Marcela Nohýnková, Karel Houska, Jan Kotva, Jan Kreidl, Marek Mikuláš, Bohumil Vávra, Tomáš Jánský.
Czechoslovakia, Československá televize Praha, 1986.
Language: Czech.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Devadesát jedna bílých koní. 1986.
Devadesát jedna bílých koní. 1986. FULL-HD.
Devadesát jedna bílých koní. 1986. FULL-HD.


Friday 12 April 2024

Un indien dans la ville / An Indian in Paris. 1994. HD.

Un indien dans la ville / An Indian in Paris. 1994. HD.
Un indien dans la ville (An Indian in the city) is a 1994 French film by Hervé Palud. The film had a limited English language release under the title Little Indian, Big City.
Part of the movie was shot in Miami, Florida, United States.
It was later adapted for an American audience under the title Jungle 2 Jungle, set in Manhattan and starring Tim Allen and Martin Short. A tie in game for the Game Boy was released only in France.
  The Parisian broker Steph only needs the signature from his wife Patricia for their divorce - but she left 13 years ago for living with Amazonas indians. Steph finds her in the village and gets stuck for two days, where he learns that he has got a son, who grew up as an indian. Meanwhile he fails to confirm a soy bean transaction and promises his son Mimi-Siku to show him Paris as soon as he will become a man. However, this happens next day when the tribe celebrates the children's festival. So both fly back to Paris, where Steph and his partner Richard try to limit their losses by selling the beans to the Russian mafia, and Mimi-Siku discovers the city with bare feet. He climbes the Eiffel tower and preferes to hunt doves with bow-and-arrow instead of eating cornflakes. Steph moves his son to the family of his partner, where Mimi-Siku falls actively in love with Richard's daughter Sophie. Discovered, Sophie is set to be sent into a boarding school, and therefore rescued by Mimi-Siku, while the mafia has discovered the dropped bean price and is threatening and claiming their money back. Both operations are entangled, and finally they get the money, and Mimi-Siku is sent back to the tribe. But, of course, this is not the end...
Director: Hervé Palud.
Cast: Thierry Lhermitte, Ludwig Briand, Patrick Timsit, Miou-Miou, Arielle Dombasle, Tolsty, Sonia Vollereaux, Jackie Berroyer, Marc de Jonge, Dominique Besnehard, Marie-Charlotte Leclaire, Katja Weitzenböck.
France, 1994.
Language: French, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Un indien dans la ville / An Indian in Paris. 1994:
2 parts archive:
Part 1
Part 2
Un indien dans la ville / An Indian in Paris. 1994. HD.
 Un indien dans la ville / An Indian in Paris. 1994. HD.